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KILE Academics



    ADMISSION STARTED FOR UPSC COACHING 2024-25. โ€œKILE IAS ACADEMYโ€ is the academic division of KILE, being established with the intention of creating professional, dynamic and efficient Civil service officers from among the dependents of the labourers in Kerala. The dependents of the working class of the organized and the unorganized labourers of Kerala are eligible for…

  • Certification Programme in Labour Laws and Management (CPLM)

    Certification programme in Labour Laws and Management (CPLM)  (Online course โ€“ 2 days per week โ€“ Total 36 hours) The Executive Certification Programme in Labour Laws (online) provided by Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment (KILE) is an integrated course envisages the study of Labour Laws with related areas like employment relations and social policies and also…

  • Executive Certification programme in Labour Laws (ECPL)

    (Online course โ€“ One month- 20 sessions- Total 30 hours) ECPL is a short term course covering the aspects of all the four labour codes, 1.The code on wages 2019 The Industrial Relations code 2020 3.The code on social security 2020 4.Occupational Safety Health and Working conditions code 2020. By pursuing this programme one can

  • Internship


    The Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment (KILE) offers a structured and enriching internship program for students pursuing degrees in fields such as Business Administration, Social Work, and Social Sciences and other labour related areas. This program is thoughtfully designed to integrate academic learning with the practical challenges of the labor and employment sector, focusing…